National Science Day

Celebrated Every Year on 28th February 


Started Year 1987
Celebrated By NCSTC
First Observed 28th February 1987
In Honour of Sir C V Raman


In 1986, the National Council for Science and Technology Communication (NCSTC) asked the Government of India to designate February 28 as National Science Day.

The event is now celebrated all over India in schools, colleges, universities and other academic, scientific, technical, medical and research institutions.

On the occasion of the first NSD (National Science Day)(28 February 1987) NCSTC announced the institution of the National Science Popularization awards for recognizing outstanding efforts in the area of science communication and popularization.

Sir C V Raman 



Born 7th November 1888
Birth Place Tiruchirappalli (TN)
Died 21st November 1970
Full Name Chandrasekhara Venkata Rama
Major Awards Nobel Prize in Phyiscs, Bharath Ratna, Lenin Peace Prize
Known For Raman Effect


National Science Day is celebrated in India every year on 28 February. The celebration also includes public speeches, radio, TV, science movies, science exhibitions based on themes and concepts, debates, quiz competitions, lectures, science model exhibitions.

Sir CV Raman was born on November 7, 1888, at Tiruchirappalli  in tamilnadu. He acquired B.Sc. degree  from the university of Madras & got gold medal in physics. In 1907 he secured M.Sc. degree from the university of Madras.

Raman conduct an experiment on February 28, 1928 with K S Krishnan  on the scattering of light this discovery later came to be known as the Raman effect. This effect explains scattered light passed through different material.

Raman effect or Raman scattering

It is famously  known as inelastic scattering of a photon. When light is scattered  from atom or molecule, majority photons are elastically scattered  with same frequency or energy  & wavelength as the incident photons but a few photons is scattered by excitation.

The frequency of scattered photons( light particles by matter)  is lower than the frequency of the incident photons. Application of Raman scattering is to detect high frequency phonon & magnon excitations, force constant & bond length of molecules, optical amplifiers. The Raman effect also produce appearance of the blue sky.

His major contributions in the field of vibration & sound, musical instruments, ultrasonic, diffraction, metrological colloid optics, photo electricity, X-ray diffraction, magnetism &  dielectrics. 

Raman was the first Indian received  a Nobel prize  for his outstanding achievement  in the field of science (physics ) . The Indian government awarded him with India’s highest civilian award, Bharat Ratna in the year 1954.

The vikram sarabhai community science center awarded him in 2009 for contribution to science related learning material & training programs on science education.He established  the Raman research institute in Bangalore & he dead on November 21, 1970 .

NSD is to conduct consciousness to public about consequence of science in our daily life popularizing the science & technology.

Today we must conduct renovate in higher education. Science made wonders in communication at low cost. In upcoming days we start to motivates to adopt scientific temper among all the students &children , so various programs  are organized  like science exhibitions , quiz competitions, lectures, seminars , fairs, live projects, research exhibitions,  science models, night sky viewing, science film exhibitions, public speeches, etc.are conducted on science based experiments  as the main objective.

To display all activities & achievements in the field of science for human welfare & to releases scientific minded citizens in the country.

National Science day is an occasion to salute the talent & our energetic scientists. Their zeal & depth research has helped India, so this leads young minds develop even greater curiosity towards  science.

The science & technology conveys message to students, researchers, specialists & everyone in the country. We know that science not only provides a good career opportunity but also is very useful in our daily life & gives a new direction to think, invent new technology.

This year the Theme of National science day 2020 “Women in Science”.the NSD will be festivate at vigyan Bhawan on February 28 with women in science as the theme of the event. President will award science communication &popularization  for women scientist.It is the only one day  where all prominent institutes in the city are opened for public.

I wish all the science enthusiast good luck to increase their scientific zeal. One scientific invention can change the world forever. Science is always valuable tuff to measure, it is boon from god. Science is mystery with full of chemicals solved by chemistry & it is the challenge of excellence. We want to give  a real platform for developing  scientists to make their career & profession in science.


  • 2020 is “Women in Science.”
  • 2019 was “Science for the People, and the People for Science”
  • 2018 was “Science and Technology for a sustainable future.”
  • 2017 was “Science and Technology for Specially Abled Persons”
  • 2016 was on “Scientific Issues for Development of the Nation”.
  • 2015 was “Science for Nation Building”.
  • 2014 was “Fostering Scientific Temper”.
  • 2013 was “Genetically Modified Crops and Food Security”.
  • 2012 was “Clean Energy Options and Nuclear Safety”.
  • 2011 was “Chemistry in Daily Life”.
  • 2010 was “Gender Equity, Science & Technology for Sustainable Development”.

National science day is a important event that commemorates a great scientist & also promote science & technology for good future of India.