Teachers Service details to be updated in EEDS


Department of School Education, Karnataka has released the notification to update details of In Service Techers in EEDS within 3rd June 2023,

As per the notification released the details related to in-service teachers like KGID Number, Teachers Name in English and Kannada, Date of Birth, Date of Joining, Working Zone, Working School School Mapping, Spouse details, Subject Taught, Probationary Details and other, for more details CLICK HERE

Teachers  / Officers / Non Teaching Staff service details to be updated EEDS

The Department of Public Instructions, Karnataka has directed the concerned officials to update the service details of Teachers / Officers / Non Teaching staff in EEDS within 16th May 2022, for more details CLICK HERE

Last chance to verify and update Teachers service details and update in Shikshaka Mitra software(EEDS)

Karnataka State Primary and Secondary Education Minister S Suresh Kumar announced the Teachers Transfer notification, Meanwhile the Department of Education Karnataka has released

Circular providing option to verify and Update the Service details of Teachers Working in Government Primary and High Schools in EEDS (Edit Employee Details) Software through DDO Login on 7th and 8th July 2021, failure to do so the DDO will be held directly responsible, for more details CLICK HERE

Division Last Date
Bangalore & Mysore 07.07.2021
Belagavi & Kalaburgi 08.07.2021


Add Employee Details CLICK HERE
Transfer In – Out CLICK HERE
Edit Employee Details CLICK HERE
Exit Employee CLICK HERE

Department of Education Karnataka has released Circular extending last date to to verify and Update the following Service details of Teachers Working in Government Primary and High Schools in EEDS (Edit Employee Details) Software in School Login using SATS User ID and Password, Last date is extended till 29.10.2020, for more details CLICK HERE, For the Circular and User Manual for the District level vacancy verification taht is to be done within 23.10.2020 CLICK HERE


Basic Details CLICK HERE
Priority / Exemption Details CLICK HERE
Qualification Details CLICK HERE
Department Exam Details CLICK HERE
Service Details CLICK HERE

Details to be Updated are


In Edit Employees Software the Option is Given to make Correction in details like Gender, Religion, Social Category, Address, Phone Number, Email Id, Marital status, Spouse Name, Spouse Working details (NOTE : Edit Option is not available to make any changes in Employee Name, Date of Birth and KGID Number)


In Edit Employees Software the Option is Given to make Correction in details like Present Pay Scale, Basic Pay, Declaration of Probationary period date and Order, Time Bond Orders


In Edit Employees Software the Option is Given to make Correction in following details by clicking YES or No for following options

Teacher/Spouse/Children from terminal illness or serious ailments for which treatment is not available within the taluka where teacher is working

Teacher/Spouse/Children with bench mark disability

Widow or Widower or a divorcee teacher with dependent children (below the age of 12 yrs)

Teacher with spouse being a working soldier or retired or permanently disable or deceased soldier of Indian Defence Forces or Para-Military Forces

Teacher with spouse working with State or Central Government or aided educational institution

Pregnant Teacher or a female teacher with a child less than one year


In Edit Employees Software the Option is Given to make Correction in details of Qualification in SSLC / PUC / Degree / Professional Courses / PG

To Details to be entered for SSLC / PUC / Degree are Languages Studied, Core Subjects, Medium of Instruction, whereas for Professional Courses need to fill Methodology studied and for PG should enter details of Course and Subject studied 


In Edit Employees Software the Option is Given to make Correction in details like Department Exam Subjects, Year of Passing, Register Number, Section I / II, Certificate Number


In Edit Employees Software the Option is Given to make Correction in details like Designation, Zone, Service Category, Service dates (School Wise), Mode of Posting





Step 2 : Select School

Step 3 : Enter SATS User ID

Step 4: Enter SATS Password

Step 5 : Enter captcha Shown

Step 6 : Press LOGIN


The Dialog box ‘EMPLOYEE REGISTRATION’ with Details of List of Employees like Employee Name, Designation, KGID Number, Email Id will get open, CLICK  on EDIT EMPLOYEES DETAILS


CLICK on KGID Number of Employee whose details you want to Edit (Note : A Dialog Box UPDATE EMPLOYEE DETAILS will open that has 6 sections like Basic Details, Working Details, Priority / Exemption details, Qualification Details, Department Exam details, Service Details)


Step 1 : CLICK on BASIC Details 

Step 2 : Make Correction to the Basic details of Employees if required and Press UPDATE 

Step 3 : CLICK on Working Details 

Step 4 : Make Correction to the Working details of Employees if required and Press UPDATE 

Step 5 : CLICK on Priority / Exemption Details

Step 6 : Click on YES or NO Radio button 

Step 7 : CLICK on Update

Step 8 : CLICK on Qualification Details

Step 9 : Select the Qualification in Drop down button, Fill the details and Press ADD one after another to Enter details of your SSLC / PUC / Degree/ Professional / PG

Step 10 : CLICK on Department Exam Details

Step 11 : Select the Subject in Drop down button, Fill the details and Press ADD one after another to Enter details of all Subjects of Department Exam

Step 12 : CLICK on Service Details 

Step 13 : Click on Drop down button and Enter details of Schools were you have earlier worked in your service till the details of Present School are added, after entry of details of 1 Working Place Press ADD button


APPLICATION STATUS : Employee can check the status of Application by Entering application Number of KGID number by CLICK on Application Status in EEDS Software Dialog Box


User Manual CLICK HERE