CBSE to launch Skill Yatra Campaign for Skill Awareness

Skill Yatra Campaign for Skill Awareness

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) plans  to launch Skill Yatra Campaign to create awareness about Skill Education under National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, It is an initiative for the students a fully equipped mobile lab shall be utilized for outreach and career counselling

Under the Skill Yatra Campaign for Skill Awareness the vehicle will travel to major regional areas of the country. It will spend 4 to 5 hours in a school. The local coordinator will make all the arrangements to organize the Skill Yatra Campaign for Skill Awareness in advance and make necessary announcements, create media awareness, and publicity around the school, and also invite the students from the neighborhood schools to attend the skill demonstration and training.

Officers / Officials from the local government, opinion makers from the society, and other prominent personalities will also be invited to the event.

Skill Yatra Campaign for Skill Awareness is being launched by CBSE to spread awareness about Skill Education in Schools, communities, and parents and remove the misunderstanding about skill / vocational education, increase awareness about post-high school higher education opportunities and options and promote employment, entrepreneurship and also to spread awareness about the Skill Education in Schools policy initiative of the Government of India and its availability among the stakeholders, for more details CLICK HERE

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