Sitaram Jindal Scholarship 2025 Applications Now Open

Sitaram Jindal Scholarship 2025 Applications Now Open

The applications are invited for the Sitaram Jindal Scholarship 2025 by Sitaram Jindal Foundation (SJF), formerly known as S J Jindal Trust, It’s is a charitable organization and one of the most sought after international NGOs in Bangalore with the humanitarian objective of serving the poor and downtrodden in various fields

The foundation is one of the top NGOs in Bangalore and has setup several schools, colleges, hospitals and constructed many pathshalas (rural schools) apart from initiating and running many welfare schemes and vocational courses for the benefit of the poor and deprived


Candidates who are studying in the Class 11 / Class 12 / ITI / Diploma / Under Graduation (UG) / Post Graduation (PG) / Professional Courses  are eligible to apply,

A student should apply for scholarship only once in the duration of the course. Scholarships will be given in all Govt., Govt. aided Schools, Colleges/ Institutes and those private schools, Colleges/ institutes where exorbitant fee is not charged from the students,

For 3 years or longer duration courses, applications will not be entertained from final year students. Scholarship will not be given for courses of less than one year duration, Scholarship shall be discontinued after the student crosses 30 years of age


The selected Class 11 / Class 12 / ITI students under Sitaram Jindal Scholarship 2024 to get Rs 500 – 700 Scholarship, Diploma students to get Rs 1000 – 1,200 Scholarship, Degree students to get Rs 1,100 – 1,500 Scholarship, Post Graduation (PG) students to get Rs 15,00 – 1,800 Scholarship, Professional Courses (Engineering / Medicine) students to get Rs 2,000 – 3,000 Scholarship 


The documents required to apply are Photocopy of Marks Card of last examination passed, Photocopy of SSLC/HSC Marks Card, Photocopy of Income Certificate, Certificate regarding annual fees as per Annexure-VIII, Certificate regarding students admission under Govt Merit Quota as per Annexure-VII, For physically challenged, certificate from competent authority (If applicable), For hostellers, a certificate from the Warden or owner of private accommodation as per Annexure-IV or Annexure-IX


The application to be submitted to The Trustee, Sitaram Jindal Foundation, Jindal Nagar, Tumkur Road, Bengaluru 560073


Notification  CLICK HERE
Application CLICK HERE
Official Portal CLICK HERE