The Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the occasion of International Women’s Day (8th March 2024) posted in on X announcing the reduction in LPG cylinder prices by Rs 100
As per the post posted by the Prime Minister on X , the Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that on Women’s Day (8th March 2024), Government has decided to reduce LPG cylinder prices by Rs 100, In the post on X the Prime Minister Narendra Modi further added this will significantly ease the financial burden on millions of households across the country, especially benefiting our Nari Shakti
The Prime Minister Narendra Modi said Today, on Women’s Day, our Government has decided to reduce LPG cylinder prices by Rs 100. This will significantly ease the financial burden on millions of households across the country, especially benefiting our Nari Shakti, By making cooking gas more affordable, Prime Minister Narendra Modi added we also aim to support the well being of families and ensure a healthier environment. This is in line with our commitment to empowering women and ensuring Ease of Living for them, for more details CLICK HERE