Intel AI Global Impact Festival 2023 for School Students announced, Participate Now

Intel AI Global Impact Festival 2023

Online applications are invited for Intel AI Global Impact Festival 2023 by School Students, Intel AI Global Impact Festival 2023 is an annual Digital Readiness celebration for next-generation technologists, also for the academia, ecosystem, and government partners to showcase AI innovation and impact

Intel Corporation is one of the world’s largest semiconductor chip manufacturers American multinational corporation and technology company headquartered in Santa Clara, California by revenue and is one of the developers of the x86 series of instruction sets

Opportunity to take part in the global competition for students or educators in AI Impact Creators – the student competition for innovative, social impact AI projects and in AI Impact Shapers – the educator competition for AI skilling innovations

3 projects subject to approval will receive the Global Winner awards with a $5,000 cash prize per team member as well as showcase and mentorship opportunities, Come Celebrate, Learn, and Compete in category 13 to 18 years and above 18 years to earn Intel certificates and awards,

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