Anti Doping Quiz by Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports launched, Participate & Win Prizes

Anti Doping Quiz by Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports launched

Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports has launched Anti Doping Quiz, It aims to enhance awareness among all the members of the Sports Community, Athletes and all the citizens of India regarding sports values, the quiz serves as a platform to promote awareness about anti-doping and the importance of respect and equity in sports among all citizens of India,

It encourages ethical conduct and sportsmanship among the populace, the quiz empowers all citizens of India to advocate for respect, equity, and anti-doping, the quiz enhances critical thinking skills among participants and it cultivates positive attitude toward sports among citizens.

Anti Doping Quiz
Questions MCQ
Number of Questions 10
Duration 5 Minutes (300 Seconds)
Mode Online
Who Can Participate? OPEN TO ALL

Anti Doping Quiz by Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports is open to all Indian citizens, Quiz is available both in English and Hindi language. A participant may choose either of the languages, Quiz consists of 10 multiple choice questions (MCQ’s), each MCQ carries one mark. A participant will get 5 minutes (300 Seconds) to complete the Quiz. There will be no negative marking

All participants of Anti Doping Quiz by Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports to receive a participation certificate, Top 10 Participants will get Gift Hampers, for more details and participate in Quiz CLICK HERE