1st and 2nd Year QUESTION BANK by PU Board
The technique of producing plants using a portion of it or just a few cells is called Tissue culture, The one of the disadvantage of the genetically modified plants is sterility of seeds, Tissue culture is helpful in producing new varieties of plants, DNA finger print technology is more useful in the field of Forsenic science, The branch of biology which deals with the study of microorganisms including their culture, economic importance and pathogenecity is called Microbiology, The branch of biology which deals with the study of heredity and variation is called Genetics,
The substance produce by the distillation process is Alcohol, The artificial cultivation of mushrooms was introduced by France in 1650, The country in which the yeast is used in large scale in bakery is Germany, National biotechnology board was established in 1982, The department of biotechnology of India was established in 1986, The DNA fragments are separated by using Gel Electrophoresis method,
The kind of laboratory required for Tissue culture is Sophisticated laboratory, The biological processes taking place within the body of an organism is called In vivo, The biological processes taking place in a cultural vessel or plate is called In vitro, Production of daughter cells by strawberry runners is an example for Cloning, Louis Pasteur explained lactic acid fermentation in 1857, NBTB stands for National Bio Technology Board, Separating a desirable gene from a cell and introducing it in another cell is called Recombinant DNA technology,
The application of technology using the characteristics of living organisms to obtain useful product is called Bio Technology, Plant cells have the capacity to produce plants of their own kind’ is the principle behind Tissue Culture
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