1st and 2nd year
NOTES (New Syllabus) |
1st and 2nd Year PUC TEXT BOOKS by NCERT
1st Year
2nd Year
1st and 2nd Year PUC SOLUTIONS
Removal of fat from is also adulteration because the milk becomes less nutritive, The living organism and their physical surrounding together constitute Environment, The branch of biology that deals with study of interaction between the living organisms and environment is called Environmental science, The living components of the environment are called Biotic components,
The non living components of the environment are called Abiotic components, An example for biotic component is Animals, An example for abiotic component is Soil, An example for interaction between two abiotic components is temperature and Humidity, As the temperature increases the humidity decreases, Food spoils in summer faster due to increased activity of micro organisms, The chief constituent of Protoplasm is Water, The various sources available in the environment are called Natural resources, An example for natural resource is Water,
The resources that get exhausted by their continous use are called Renewable resources, The resources that do not get exhausted by their continous use are called Non Renewable resources, An example for renewable resource is Water, An example for non renewable resource is Petroleum, The destruction of forests for various reasons is called Deforestation, The main reason for desertification is Deforestation, The species of plants and animals that are fastly depleting due to certain factors are called endangered species,
An example of species that is already extinct is Dodo, IBWL stand for Indian Board of Wild Life, The abbreviation of WPSI is Wild life prevention Society of India, WWF stands for World Wild life fund for Nature, Expand SBWL-State Boards for Wild Life, IUCN stands for International Union of Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, NWAP stands for Nation Wild Life Action Plan, The water that is fit for drinking is called Potable water, The main source of water to us is Rain, The water available in the interior of the earth’s crust is Ground water,
The main reason for the acute shortage of water is Increasing population, The principal source of minerals is earth’s crust, The important constituent of food are Minerals, The process of converting biodegradable and non biodegradable wastes into reusable form is called Recycling
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