NCERT – CIET organising online training on Elevating Teaching – Learning Dynamics on DIKSHA

NCERT - CIET organising online training on Elevating Teaching - Learning Dynamics on DIKSHA

National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT) and Central Institute of Educational Technology (CIET), NCERT – CIET organising Online Training on Elevating Teaching – Learning Dynamics on DIKSHA from 17th June 2024 to 21st June 2024 for 5 days

The educational landscape continues to evolve, the empowerment of educators through innovative tools and platforms is of high importance. DIKSHA platform stands at the forefront of this revolution, offering a robust ecosystem for teacher development and student engagement. In our ongoing commitment to support educators,

These sessions will delve into the diversified ‘Focus Areas’ of target group-specific econtent, focusing on key subject areas to deepen pedagogical impact.

Moreover, participants will gain invaluable insights into the integration of cutting-edge tools such as the Collab Geo Tool and Google Classroom, enhancing their ability to create dynamic and interactive learning experiences


Students, Teachers, Teacher Educators, Parents, Administrators, General Public can participate in Online Training on Elevating Teaching – Learning Dynamics on DIKSHA


The objectives of Online Training on Elevating Teaching – Learning Dynamics on DIKSHA is to familiarize educators in  navigating DIKSHA’s homepage interface for efficient access to resources, optimizing platform utilization, clarify the concept of “Focus Areas” within DIKSHA, aiding educators in understanding and utilizing targeted content effectively train teachers in leveraging DIKSHA within Google Classroom, enhancing educational delivery and student engagement, train educators how to use the OS ticketing tool within DIKSHA and  efficiently address concerns in order to  ensure a smooth user experience, demonstrate effective use of the CollabGeo tool within DIKSHA for teaching geometry and enhancing student understanding


Day 1 (17th June 2024) : DIKSHA ‘s HomePage and its Navigation

Day 2 (18th June 2024) : Demystifying ‘Focus Areas’ of DIKSHA

Day 3 (19th June 2024) : Unlocking Educational Synergy: DIKSHA & Google Classroom

Day 4 (20th June 2024) : Leveraging CollabGEO tool in teaching Geometry on DIKSHA

Day 5 (21st June 2024) : Using OS ticketing tool to raise concerns on DIKSHA


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