Entries invited for Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam National Essay Competition 2023

Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam National Essay Competition 2023

Online submissions are invited for the Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam National Essay Competition 2023 by the Khusro Foundation, the Khusro Foundation located in New Delhi aims to promote communal harmony, tolerance and understanding among people subscribing to diverse religious practices, faith systems, ethnic identity, cultural background

Khusro Foundation has named the National Essay Competition 2023 in honor of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, a celebrated Indian Muslim scientist, and former President of India, who is recognized for his remarkable contributions to the fields of science and technology

Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam National Essay Competition 2023 is open for all the citizens of country, in the age group 14 to 18 years, the essay can be written in Hindi, Urdu, English, Assamese or Marathi, the topic of essay is How do I see my role in India of my dreams?

The Essays must be the original work of the participants, the essay to be written in word limit 1500-2000 words, Along with the essay, writers should submit an about me mentioning writers profile in not more than 500 words that include address, phone number and email in the submission, Last date to submit the entry is 30th September 2023

The best essay will be awarded a cash Prize of Rs 30,000 and a Golden Scroll of Honor, The 2nd best essay will get Rs 20000 and a Silver Scroll of Honor and the 3rd best essay will get Rs 10000 cash Prize and Bronze Scroll of Honor, for more details and submit entry CLICK HERE

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