CBSE released self quality assessment guidelines for affiliated schools

School Quality Assessment and Assurance (SQAA) Framework

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has released the Mandatory Prior Self-Assessment against School Quality Assessment and Assurance (SQAA) Framework for acceptance of Applications for fresh affiliation /switch over / upgradation / extension for the Session 2024 – 25 and onwards on SARAS Portal

As per the guidelines released by CBSE the SQAA framework will enable schools to work towards whole school transformation in alignment with NEP 2020 and develop a culture of constant self reflection, collaboration, innovation, accountability and the drive diverse schools into action to bring about an element of standardization across the country in the CBSE affiliated schools,

SQAA framework will Empower the CBSE affiliated schools to engage in an ongoing process of review of their performance across core functions of the school and also strive towards the continuous improvement,

SQAA framework will facilitate schools to keep a watch on their developmental trajectory, and it reassure stakeholders that the school aspires for continual improvement thus leading to achievement of desired student learning outcomes

All the CBSE  affiliated schools should undertake self-assessment every year between 1st April to 31st December on SQAA Portal,

All schools applying for the fresh CBSE affiliation /switch over category will have to fill SQAA framework at the time of filling Part C of the online affiliation form,

All schools applying for CBSE upgradation / extension (except that of fresh affiliation /switch over) will have to undertake SQAA Framework at the time of applying along with the Part A of the CBSE online affiliation form

The period of validity of self-assessment submitted by the school on the SQAA Portal will be 1 year. All the affiliated schools should undertake self-assessment on SQAA Portal. The schools would not be required to upload supporting documents against the standards while undertaking self-assessment on SQAA Portal, Orientation sessions will be organised by the Board in the Month of April 2023 for all the

Guidelines  CLICK HERE

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