Airports Authority of India (AAI) Jr Assistant & other Exam information handout released

Airports Authority of India (AAI)

The information handout regarding the exam day, types of questions that will be asked in the exam, question pattern, instructions on how to answer questions and more for the recruitment examination of Senior Assistant (Accounts), Junior Assistant (Office), Junior Executive (Fire Services) and Junior Executive (Common Cadre) has been released by the Airports Authority of India (AAI),

Tentatively the exam is scheduled to be held from 15th October to 23rd October 2023, Admit card to be released shortly, for more details CLICK HERE

Airports Authority of India (AAI) Jr Assistant & other Posts recruitment 2023 notification released

The notification for the recruitment of 342 Jr. Assistant (Office), Sr. Assistant (Accounts), Junior Executive (Common Cadre), Junior Executive (Finance), Junior Executive (Fire Services), Junior Executive (Law) in Airports Authority of India (AAI) released, the online applications can be submitted from 5th August 2023, Last date to submit online application is 4th September 2023, 

The recruitment drive is being conducted to fill 342 Jr. Assistant (Office), Sr. Assistant (Accounts), Junior Executive (Common Cadre), Junior Executive (Finance), Junior Executive (Fire Services), Junior Executive (Law) in Airports Authority of India (AAI)


A total of 342 Jr. Assistant (Office), Sr. Assistant (Accounts), Junior Executive (Common Cadre), Junior Executive (Finance), Junior Executive (Fire Services), Junior Executive (Law) in Airports Authority of India (AAI) to be filled

Junior Assistant (Office) 09
Senior Assistant (Accounts) 09
Junior Executive (Common Cadre) 237
Junior Executive (Finance) 66
Junior Executive (Fire Services) 03
Junior Executive (Law) 18


The applications fees to be paid to the post of 342 Jr. Assistant (Office), Sr. Assistant (Accounts), Junior Executive (Common Cadre), Junior Executive (Finance), Junior Executive (Fire Services), Junior Executive (Law) in Airports Authority of India (AAI)

Others Rs 1000


The Age limit fixed to the post of 342 Jr. Assistant (Office), Sr. Assistant (Accounts), Junior Executive (Common Cadre), Junior Executive (Finance), Junior Executive (Fire Services), Junior Executive (Law) in Airports Authority of India (AAI), Age relaxation as per rules, 

Min 18 years
Max 30 years


The Candidates passed Graduation from a recognized University are eligible to apply


Candidates are required to submit the online applications for 342 Jr. Assistant (Office), Sr. Assistant (Accounts), Junior Executive (Common Cadre), Junior Executive (Finance), Junior Executive (Fire Services), Junior Executive (Law) in Airports Authority of India (AAI)

Notification CLICK HERE
Official Portal CLICK HERE

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