ISRO Online Course on Remote Sensing Technology for students of class 8 & above launched, Register Now


Registrations are open for the ISRO Online Course on Remote Sensing Technology. Students in class 8 and above are eligible for the join ISRO Online Course on Remote Sensing Technology

Remote Sensing has become key technology tools for the collection, storage and analysis of spatially referenced data for resource planning and decision making, the Online Course on Remote Sensing Technology provides an opportunity to students of class 8 and above to learn Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science. As per NCERT syllabus the course contains an introduction to remote sensing for school children 

From this course the students will become aware of remote sensing definition, its applications, physics behind remote sensing, various terms such as swath resolution, orbit and other and get know the difference between Active and Passive Sensors, Categorization of Remotely Sensed Data Products, the concepts are explained in simple language using images and animations.

The medium of instruction of the course is English, Course being taught by the Scientists and Engineers of various centers of ISRO, for more details and register CLICK HERE

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