MyGov Campus Ambassador Program for students announced, Register Now


MyGov Campus Ambassador Program provide the students with an opportunity to become representatives of New India, the Program aims Building youth ambassadors for New India and increases their contribution to nation building.


Role of Campus Ambassador is to Ensure registrations of Saathis, Information Dissemination, Act as a Point of Contact between MyGov and the Institution, Organizing micro-events in sync with MyGov, Engage in other cultural & educational activities as defined by MyGov, Make College WhatsApp Groups, Promote MyGov Social Media Handles


Responsibilities of Campus Ambassador is Setting up MyGov booths at college fests, Connecting with student groups, Driving MyGov initiatives, Fostering campus relationships, Creating a buzz on the college’s social media platform, newsletter, alumni meets, etc, Report activity with event plans, meeting notes, and social media activity, Disseminate Activities on Social Media Handles


Benefits of being Campus Ambassador receive the Certificate of Excellence / Letter of Recommendation, Appreciation Letter from CEO, MyGov, Hands-on Experience in event management, Opportunity to win cash prizes ranging from Rs 8,000 to Rs 50,000, Chance to get passes for Independence Day, Republic Day and Other Big Events, for more details and join as Campus Ambassador CLICK HERE

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