5th & 8th std Assessment Exams 2023 Core Subjects Learning Outcomes & Textbook Content released

5th & 8th Assessment Exam 2023

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The Karnataka School Examination and Assessment Board (KSEAB) has released the Learning outcomes and textbook content information related to Question cum answer booklet prepared for Class 5 & 8 Assessment for the year 2022-23

The Question paper for 5th and 8th std Assessment Examination to be based on the Learning outcomes and textbook content information related to Question cum answer booklet prepared for Class 5 & 8 Assessment for the year 2022-23 released by the Karnataka School Examination and Assessment Board (KSEAB)  

8th std Science Learning Outcomes

L.O 6: Concept of rational numbers, operations on rational numbers and verifies properties of rational numbers.

L.O 7: Finds the squares, cubes, square roots, cube roots by different methods.

L.O 9: (i) Identifies the difference between equations and statements and also Write the given statements in the form of equations.
(ii) Identify the linear equations with 1 variable and express the statements in linear
equation in 1 variable, and solves them.
(iii) Understand the given equations and solves the problems using algebraic identities

L.O 10: Meaning and laws of exponents: Solves the problems using laws of exponents.

L.O 14: Introduction to quadrilaterals. Examines the properties of different quadrilaterals and logically justifies the relationship between them. Solve all the problems related to the sum of angles of rectangle, parallelogram and square

L.O 15: Constructs various quadrilaterals using ruler and compass.

L.O 17: Calculates the surface area and volume of cube, cuboid and cylinder.

L.O 19: Represents and analyses data in graphs – Pie Chart, Histogram, bar graph, double bar graph 

Content as per textbook
1. Cubes and cube roots
2. Exponents and powers
3. Data Handling
4. Direct and inverse proportions
5. Introduction to graphs
6. Factorisation
7. Visualising solid shapes
8. Comparing Quantities
9. Mensuration

8th std Science Learning Outcomes

Classify combustible and noncombustible substances. Explain ignition temperature by conducting experiments. Differentiate rapid and spontaneous combustion. Describe the process of burning and extinguishing a fire.

Identifies the plant cell and animal cell by drawing a picture and identifying the parts. Knows the functions of cellular organelles like Cell membrane, the nucleus, and chloroplast. Differentiate plant cell and animal cell.

Explains the process of reproduction in both the plants and animals. Differentiate process of sexual and asexual reproduction.

Knows the changes that happen in adulthood, will find the cause of those physical changes in adolescence. Cultivate the good healthy habits that are sensitive to the nutritional needs of adolescents.

Differentiate good and bad conductors. Conducts experiment on electrolysis of water and explain it, Describe the process of electroplating and appreciate its uses in everyday life.

Knows about the effects of storm, wind, hurricanes. Recalls the meaning of lightning and explains its effects and how to protect from it. Understands about earthquakes, its effects and protective measures.

Understands the meaning of light and differentiate between the types of mirrors. Conduct experiments to understand the laws of mirrors. Understands the laws of mirrors and applications of mirrors. Knows about the uses of concave and convex mirrors.

Recalls the meaning of celestial bodies and recognize them. Understands the differences between Satellites, planets, stars. Understands the differences between natural and artificial satellites.

Explains the reason for phases of moon. Understands the characters of different planets in the solar system and the differences between them. Understands the meaning of constellations and obtain the skill of identifying them in night sky.

Understands the meaning, causes, effects and preventive measures of air pollution. Understands the meaning, causes, effects and preventive measures of water pollution

Content as per textbook
1. Combustion and Flame.
2. Cell structure and Functions.
3. Reproduction in Animals.
4. Reaching the Age of Adolescence.
5. Chemical effects of electric current.
6. Some Natural Phenomena.
7. Light.
8. Stars and the Solar system.
9. Pollution of Air and Water

8th std Social Learning Outcomes 

Learning Outcome 6.1: North India Major Dynasties

Learning Outcome 6.2: South India Major Dynasties

Learning Outcome 13.1: Main features of layers of Earth – Hydrosphere, Biosphere.

Learning outcome 18: Local Government

Content as per textbook


1. Mauryas and kushans.
2. The Guptas and Vardhanas.
3. South Indian Dynasties: Shatavahanas, Kadamba, Ganga.
4. The Chalukyas of Badami.
5. The Rashtrakutas of Manyakheta and Chalukyas of Kalyana.
6. The Cholas and Hoysalas of Dwarasamudra.

Political Science

1. Local self Government.


1. Hydrosphere.
2. Biosphere