1st August : Latest Education Dept info

Latest Education Department, Karnataka
Guidelines regarding precautionary measures to be taken in schools due to heavy rain in most districts of the state released

The Department of School Education, Karnataka has released the guidelines regarding the precautionary measures to be taken in schools due to heavy rain in most districts of the state

Guidelines  CLICK HERE
Guidelines regarding conducting Science Seminar, Science Drama Competition, Science Exhibition for High School Students released

The Department of School Education, Karnataka has released the guidelines regarding conducting Science Seminar, Science Drama Competition, Science Exhibition to the High School students for the year 2023 – 24,

As per the guidelines released Science Seminar for the High School students (Class 8 to 10) to be conducted on the topic Millets – A super food or diet fad

Science Drama Competition to be conducted on theme – Science and Technology for the benefit of mankind under the sub themes – Millets the super food, Food Security, Modern Technology in daily life, Current advances in health card, Superstitions in Society

Guidelines  CLICK HERE
New applications allowed by Private Management Boards for rejected applications to register for Private Pry / High Schools for year 2023 – 24 

The Department of School Education, Karnataka has released the schedule for resubmit the new applications for registration to Private Primary / High Schools by  private management boards for rejected applications for the year 2023-24,

As per the notification released the online applications can be submitted till 19th August 2023

Notification  CLICK HERE

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